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Obtaining bid documents:

The RTA typically announces Open Tenders (public Tenders) through the media and (RTA website if applicable). All companies are allowed to participate in Bids Ads.

RTA invites only the Companies which are previously qualified, via fax/email. Furthermore, issues a list of the planned projects for the current year, publish it on the RTA Portal, and update it from time to time.


Apply for obtaining bid documents


To obtain the tender documents, vendor / his representative should visit the Contracts & Purchasing at Level 1 of Block (C) - RTA Headquarter, between 09:00 AM to 1:30 PM during working days, in order to buy the tender documents.

Vendor / his representative shall provide the proper authorization (for closed-tenders, present a copy of the invitation letter sent by RTA as well as a valid Labor card. While for public tenders, present Labor card only).

RTA has to verify that the vendor is included in the qualified and invitees list. After paying all required fees of bid documents vendor/his representative will receive the bid documents that includes all information relevant to bid/tender related .

Important Notice: Buying Tender Documents should be done prior to date/time mentioned in public announcement or the invitation letter. Tendering Fees will be specified in the invitation letter / public announcement. Payment should be performed before 1:30 PM.

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