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Accessibility for all visitors and users is among our top priorities and we are committed to deliver ease of use and navigation for everyone, namely people of determination. Therefore, our website is fully compliant with WCAG 2.0 Levels, which work perfectly on all commonly used web browsers.

Here's how you can easily and conveniently use our site:


I can’t see properly

To help you navigate through the website more conveniently, our website is integrated with the following options:

  • A+ and A- icons on the top right corner of all the pages to conveniently change the content size.
  • ReadSpeaker to help you listen to all website content. The Speaker Icon is always available on the top right corner of the screen. It also appears when you select any part of the content.


I’m color blind

To help you navigate through the website more conveniently, our website is integrated with the following options:

  • RTA website have a full color blind version accessible through the Eye icon on the top right corner of the screen. This option converts the whole color scheme of the website into basic Black, White and Yellow.
  • In addition to the above function, you can also change the content font size using the A+ and A- icons on the top right corner of all the pages.


I can’t read properly

To help you navigate through the website more conveniently, our website is integrated with the following options:

  • ReadSpeaker to help you listen to all the website content. The Speaker Icon is always available on the top right corner of the screen. It also appears when you select any part of the content.


I can’t use mouse properly

To help you navigate through the website more conveniently, our website is integrated with the following options:

  • You can navigate the whole website using only the "Tab" key on your keyboard.

Engage with Us

We are here for you. Do not hesitate to communicate with us via the following channels:

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