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CIECA is the International Commission for Driver Testing, active in the fields of road safety and driver testing. Today CIECA has 69 members in 38 countries worldwide.

CIECA 's aim is to improve driving standards, to contribute to road traffic education, to improve road safety, to protect the environment and to facilitate the mobility of road freight and passenger transport, both private and commercial.

It is CIECA's aim to organise and implement the following activities:

  • CIECA organises and promotes co-operation and exchanges between its members.
  • CIECA collects, analyses and makes available to its members information and documents concerning driving license examinations and road education.
  • CIECA carries out, manages or participates in relevant studies and research concerning driver education, examinations and examiners.
  • CIECA promotes the introduction and maintenance of arrangements for assuring driving competence that support international recognition and security of driving licenses.
  • CIECA participates in international projects, actions and other events.
  • CIECA promotes the creation and application of quality assurance systems in the area of driving examinations and aspects related to the education and road safety associated with these examinations.
  • CIECA develops special co-operation with international organizations and regional economic integration organizations, in particular, European Union institutions.

Further information available at:

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