Press Releases
Oct 13 2017
Reducing speed limits on Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Road, Emirates Road, takes effect this Sunday
![Image of an informative sign about reducing speed limits on Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Road from 120 to 110](/wps/wcm/connect/rta/b9d5ff98-70d9-42be-961f-37ea4b737258/Informative-sign-for-reducing-speed-on-mohammed-bin-zayed-road.jpg?MOD=AJPERES&CONVERT_TO=url&CACHEID=ROOTWORKSPACE.Z18_N004G041LOBR60AUHP2NT32000-b9d5ff98-70d9-42be-961f-37ea4b737258-m-u.9DP)
The Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) and the General HQ of Dubai Police have announced that the reduction of the speed limit on the Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Road and the Emirates Road from 120 k/h to 110 k/h across the sectors in Dubai should take effect as of this Sunday, October 15th. The decision has been taken as part of the two parties’ efforts to curb traffic accidents and enhance the safety of road users.
A periodic review is carried out to speed limits on some vital streets and highways in Dubai to adjust the speed limits up or down depending on the condition of the road and the surrounding environment, in coordination with strategic partners.
The RTA and Dubai Police are coordinating several preventive measures to maintain the safety of road users. These include changing the speed limit signs to 110 k/h instead of 120 k/h and the directional and awareness signage; which in turn govern the traffic relationship between road users. Every effort is made to adopt the top global standards and practices to ensure the provision of safe and smooth transport for all.