Press Releases
30 Nov 2024
Statement by Mattar Al Tayer on Commemoration Day
(Al Tayer: Commemoration Day is a beacon of gratitude in the UAE's History)

His Excellency Mattar Al Tayer, Commissioner General for Infrastructure, Urban Planning, and Well-Being Pillar in Dubai said: “Commemoration Day represents a beacon in the history of the United Arab Emirates. It is a day when the nation honours the sacrifices and heroic acts of its martyrs, who gave their lives and shed their noble blood in the line of duty and honour, safeguarding the security and stability of the nation."
His Excellency continued: " The UAE remains steadfast in its commitment to ensuring a dignified life for both citizens and residents, upholding justice and redressing grievances as a solemn trust embraced by its people . unwavering dedication and protection, offering everything we have, including our lives and blood. This commitment will safeguard the soil and values of the homeland and raise its flag high, with pride and a profound sense of belonging.
"Commemoration Day is a deeply cherished national occasion, etched into in the hearts of all and a lasting memory in the UAE's history. By honouring and remembering our martyrs, we instil the values of sacrifice and devotion in the hearts of our youth, fostering a profound sense of loyalty, belonging, and love for the homeland that has nurtured us. This occasion serves as an invaluable lesson for future generations on the significance of safeguarding the nation and preserving its accomplishments."
"The dedication of our leadership to commemorating this annual occasion in honour of the martyrs reflects deep gratitude for their sacrifices and immense pride in those who gave their lives to protect their beloved nation and uphold the cause of the oppressed."